Diogo Bastos - Bugs, Nits and Improvs
Diogo Bastos
- google sign up failed but if reloaded page appears
- clicking the checkbox "Check the dashboard" crashes the page
- manually inserted two transactions, and reviewed them both but the banner "1 unreviewed transactions" persist (text should be singular)
- in the "transactions" menu, filter of type of transaction does nothing
- when I added a transfer, I was expecting to be negative (sent a transfer, not received one)
- when I added a transfer, the balance stayed the same
- added a payment for water services (set the category as such) and in the Budget's activity is zero
- when editing a category, a search bar would be nice to quickly find what we want
- when creating a budget, "Water
- when adding a transaction, it would be nice to allow category selection in the dialog
- on the budget overview, we could see the total € that budget allows and it's spending already
- "Lets start" button should be "Let's start"
- "Linked" option as a "download" icon, could be the more usual "chain" icon
- In Settings, it appears I can change the categories' icons